Friday, May 4, 2012

Art as Sign Post

I'm not sure if anyone has yet been to see Parcours in the Modern wing but if you are a Modernism nerd you def need to check it out.  Works by Liz Deschenes and Florian Pumhösl.

Parcours takes inspiration from an unrealized 1930s exhibition proposal by Austrian-born Bauhaus designer Herbert Bayer. Bayer conceived of a gallery space configured into a maze, with text and the works of art serving as a guiding thread for visitors. Expanding on this premise, Deschenes and Pumhösl selected photographs from the permanent collection of the Art Institute, such as Florence Henri’s Self-Portrait (1928), and László Moholy-Nagy’s Untitled (c.1923/25), and placed them like route markers on temporary walls modified expressly for this show. The artists’ own works–a set of specially tempered glass panels by Pumhösl and lustrous photograms by Deschenes–will reflect these works and the surrounding space.

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