Street-3D-illusion is a trompe-l’œil chalk drawing or painting on walls and streets. It creates a realistic 3d view out of a 2d painting at a certain perspective.
This street 3D illusion seemed to show an interesting relationship between painting and photography.
The artists would have collected or saw an image (photography) that would be interesting to put in the middle of the street. After the artists paints or draw on walls or streets,
People would also pose themselves in the artwork and take a photograph.
I brought this Street-3D-illusion up because the repeating act of photographing and painting seemed interesting.
Also it was interesting to see how people tend to like or have a habit of recording their experience, visual experience, and things that are visually pleasing and interesting.
This is interesting. As a opposite way, real photography used making virtual space in the web. There is application for mobile that ‘Photosynth’ which combine all hundred picture to make virtual specific scene as a three dimensional image for every touristic architecture or location. It makes 3D illusion of image from 2D images.